Issue 5 of the award winning KAREN MAGAZINE
Have you met KAREN yet? She's pretty ordinary.
KAREN is more interested in the weather than what to wear, sell by dates than celebrity. KAREN MAGAZINE serves up a delightful dish of the everyday, gently observed
and presented as something quite unique. A glossy magazine without the gloss.
And as it says on the cover of this this little piece of reality, priceless!
In this issue, there’s Jo a hairdresser, Vincent a carpenter, Judy a farmers wife. There’s Lesley and her pompoms, Judith’s sandwich list, Anna’s car boot, a short story by Lola, dogs, dreams, teabags, bandits and bananas.
KAREN is a very extraordinary ordinary magazine and has become cult reading
among those that have discovered her.
So, treat yourself and sit down with KAREN. She'd like to meet you.
One of the best-kept art secrets in Britain.
'Karen succeeds in weaving its humble subject matter into something poetic, profound, absurd and joyful. One issue of this magazine is more interesting
than every issue of every other lifestyle magazine in the world put together.'
David Shrigley from The Observer newspaper’s 'The best-kept arts secrets in Britain’
'Karen is in a very English lyric tradition of exalting the unconsidered, from Gray’s Elegy and Wordsworth’s Daffodils to Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads.’
Mary Blume, formerly of the International Herald Tribune newspaper
‘An antidote for the culture of celebrity’.
'In a world where everything is airbrushed, plasticised and digitally enhanced, and where bigger is presumed to be better, Karen brings us back down to earth, back into a real world made up of ordinary moments that connect us to each other, to our communities and to the rest of the planet.'
Pat Thomas, former editor, the Ecologist magazine, journalist, campaigner and author.
‘This magazine is as beautiful as a bubble and as complicated as a snowflake.’
Simon Esterson, Art Director, Eye magazine.
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